Would you like to register as an organizer and offer your tickets for sale via Citytixx?
We have summarized how you can register here. For a detailed explanation with graphical instructions, we have also made a PDF available for you to download below.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us directly at partnerservice(at)citytixx.com.
In order to be able to market or sell your events at Citytixx.com, one of the first steps is to register under the link: organizer.citytixx.com
Please go to the following link: organizer.citytixx.com, and enter an email address including a password.
Make sure that the following points are met when choosing the password:
An automatic confirmation email will be sent to the specified email address. Please click the link for authentication.
Please go to the link: www.citytixx.com. In the lower area of the page you will find the "Login" button. Please log in with your email address and the selected password.
Enter the relevant points and information about your company in the appearing form.
At the end, please click on the “Complete registration” button. After the check you will receive another email.
Register again using the same link: www.citytixx.com.
Two buttons will now appear in your account, "Overview" and "Events".
If you click on the "Events" field, the "Create event" button and 5 elements appear on the right-hand side
One of the first steps is to provide basic information. Please enter a meaningful title for your event. A standard language and the selection of a time zone help us to localize your event. Finally, select a category to categorize your event.
Every event requires one or more dates. Define here when and where your event will take place. You can change dates later at any time and, if necessary, add possible advance booking times and admissions.
If there is a fixed contingent of products (such as entrance tickets) for your event, you can add related products here. You can later set quotas for individual dates and their products.
In this section, two elements appear at the top right - the selection of “Languages” and “Draft”. Your product should be registered in English and German. On the left side you can see 4 elements, "General Information", "Dates", "Products" and "Pictures". All elements should be edited.
Then click on the "Draft" button on the right to submit the event for review.
You will be automatically informed by email as soon as the event has been reviewed and put online.